Why Drug Tests Now Feature in Pre-Employment Checks

It is now common for pre-employment checks to include drug tests so read on to understand why drug tests now feature in pre-employment checks.

This is because employers want to ensure that their employees are capable of performing their jobs safely and efficiently.

The drug testing san antonio employers involve themselves in helps identify any potential issues with an employee’s ability to work and will help protect them from any legal issues that may arise as a result of an employee’s drug use.

Why Drug Tests Now Feature in Pre-Employment Checks

Cost of Hiring people with Drug Addiction

The use of drugs, particularly opioids, has become an epidemic in the United States.

This has caused many employers to include drug tests as part of the pre-employment screening process.

While this can be costly for the employer, the potential cost of hiring someone addicted to drugs is much higher.

Employers often overlook the fact that addiction is a disease. Addiction often leads to absenteeism, job loss, and accidents.

Addiction costs employers an estimated $81 billion each year in lost productivity.

Drug tests can help to identify potential addicts and get them the help they need before they become a liability to the company.

It is important to note that not all drug users are addicts.

However, drug tests can still be beneficial in identifying those employees who may be at risk of developing a substance abuse problem.

Risks of Not Screening Employees

There are several risks associated with not screening employees for drugs.

First, there is the potential for increased accidents and injuries. Drugs can impair an individual’s ability to think clearly and make good decisions. This can lead to accidents and injuries on the job.

Second, there is the potential for increased legal liability. If an employee is using drugs, they may be more likely to engage in criminal activity. This could lead to costly lawsuits for the employer. Finally, there is the potential for decreased productivity. Employees who are using drugs are likely to be less productive than those who are not. This can lead to lost profits for the company.

Drug screening bears similarities to an insurance policy in that it gives a business peace of mind.

Regular screening will mean that a company is not suddenly faced with an expensive problem.

Accidents can be sued for and staff changes cost money.

Underperforming due to drug-taking can be avoided to prevent production from taking a hit.

These are all things that can impact profit.

Training new staff or providing extra support to drug addicts uses money and time.

With a business, time is the same as money in terms of its impact on profits.

Protecting Other Workers

Drug tests can also help to protect the health and safety of other employees.

If an employee is using drugs, they may be more likely to have an accident or to suffer from an injury at work.

By testing for drugs, employers can ensure that their employees are not putting themselves or others at risk.

An employer has a duty of care to protect all workers.

Their decisions about employing the right people are crucial to how a team works together and the safety that exists for everyone within the working environment.

Drugs can be the reason why productivity levels suddenly fall and the reason more accidents are occurring.

By regularly testing for drugs, employers are creating a preventative structure that will protect a business from what can potentially happen that could prove costly.

Other workers can feel safer when they are protected by a robust drug testing policy.

It shows that employers care about the welfare of their workers as much as about their profits and legal liabilities.

The bottom line is that pre-employment drug screening is now common practice for many employers.

This is because it can help to identify potential problems with an employee’s ability to work and can help to protect the employer from any legal issues.

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