What is Link Building for SEO: A Beginner’s Guide

What is Link Building for SEO: A Beginner’s Guide

Link building is a powerful tool for improving search engine optimization (SEO) and increasing website traffic. It involves finding websites relevant to yours and then linking them with high-quality backlinks.

In this guide, we’ll explain what links are, how search engines use them, the various strategies available and why link building should be a key part of any SEO strategy. We’ll also discuss linkable assets, case studies, best practices and techniques such as resource page linking, broken link building, and the skyscraper technique.

Whether you’re a beginner looking to get started or an experienced Link Builder trying to stay up to date, this article provides you with all the information you need. So join us on our journey into the exciting world of link building!

Short Summary

  • Link building is the practice of obtaining hyperlinks from other websites to improve website visibility and search engine rankings.
  • Search engines use links to uncover new pages, assess quality and relevance, and determine rankings in search engine results.
  • Link building strategies such as broken link building, guest posting, content marketing, and link reclamation should be employed to acquire high-quality backlinks while avoiding any spammy techniques.

What is Link Building?

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Link building is the practice of obtaining hyperlinks from other websites to your own, thus increasing the visibility of your website. It is a strategy employed to increase the number of authoritative backlinks to a website, thus improving its search engine rankings. Content marketing, helpful tools, email outreach and broken link building are popular link building approaches. PR can also play a role in achieving successful link building. Establishing relationships can generate authentic supporters and promoters for your organization, thus providing invaluable value.

A backlink profile is an accumulation of all the links pointing to your website. These links will refer to your website’s various pages. Links are often built to specialized resources such as blog posts, tools, research studies, and graphics. The process of requesting links involves actively contacting a website and requesting that they link to yours.

A Backlink Gap Analysis is a process of identifying websites that link to your competitors but not to you, thereby providing insight into potential areas of improvement for your own link building strategy. Outreach in link building involves contacting other websites and requesting a backlink to your own website. Link building outreach can lead to increased visibility and recognition, as it can result in writers and journalists reaching out to request your expertise.

Link building is an essential element of search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns, as it helps to increase website visibility and attract valuable links. It is important to conduct a backlink analysis when formulating a link building strategy in order to gain insight into the quality and quantity of links to your website.

Link earning is the practice of creating content that is worthy of being linked to, thus enabling it to rank higher in search engine results. Constructing links can be a time-consuming process, thus it is essential to be patient in order to achieve the desired results. It is not advisable to register your website with a large number of business directories or create numerous social media profiles, as this can be a costly endeavor with no guarantee of success and may even result in penalties for your website.

How Do Search Engines Use Links?

Links are essential for SEO and remain Google’s primary ranking signal. Search engines use links to traverse the web and uncover new pages and websites. Additionally, they use links to assess the quality of a webpage and determine its ranking in search engine results. Quality is preferred over quantity when it comes to links, with search engines viewing backlinks as a sign of trustworthiness for the website receiving them. The process by which search engines interpret links is known as the PageRank algorithm, which is a major component of Google’s ranking system.

Relevance is also a critical factor to consider when constructing a link building strategy, as search engines assess the relevance of content to a query and the extent to which other authoritative websites link or refer to the content. The credibility of the page linking to your website is also important, as links from authoritative pages can increase the credibility of a website.

The anchor text of a link is the clickable text portion of the link, and the reasonable surfer patent posits that the probability of a link being clicked can influence the amount of authority it conveys. It is essential to recognize the characteristics of a link that will positively affect Google rankings in order to focus on constructing effective links.

Benefits of Link Building

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Link building is the practice of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own, and it is essential for search engine optimization as it enables search engines to crawl the web and rank web pages accordingly. Link building for SEO can provide a range of benefits, such as increased visibility, improved rankings, and increased referral traffic.

To capitalize on these potential benefits, it is important to create linkable assets such as infographics, original research, and comprehensive guides, and to focus on constructing links from relevant websites that have been editorially given. Link building can also be used to attract links from other websites, which can result in an increase in referral traffic from a relevant audience.

Additionally, list post content can generate more backlinks than other content formats, making it an effective tool for link building. It is essential to prioritize the preservation of the most critical links, and outreach for link building is an effective way to showcase a company’s expertise and solicit help from other industry professionals in promoting this knowledge.

HARO is a platform that facilitates the connection between those seeking sources and those looking for links and publicity, while it is not recommended to interfere with the anchor text of your backlinks.

Types of Links

The two varieties of links are dofollow and nofollow. Dofollow links are those that do not contain any link attributes, while nofollow links are those that have a link attribute that informs the reader. Google will not pass its vote to the referenced page. Dofollow links are counted as endorsements for SEO purposes, whereas nofollow links are not.

Apart from dofollow and nofollow links, there are other types of links as well. Sponsored links are those that have been paid for or sponsored by a third-party in order to gain visibility for a website or product. Contextual links are those that are found within the body text of a web page. Internal links are those that link from one page of a website to another within the same domain. External links are links that point to a different website than the website they are found on.

When it comes to link building, it is important to remember that not all links are created equal. It is essential to identify and acquire quality links in order to maximize the potential benefits for SEO. This involves creating links that are relevant to the web page they are linking to and avoiding spammy link building techniques. It is important to remember that acquiring links is only one aspect of link building; creating link-worthy content is just as important.

Strategies for Link Building

Link building is an essential aspect of search engine optimization (SEO), as it can help boost a website’s search engine rankings, resulting in increased traffic and potential revenue. Link building strategies involve generating high-quality links to a website to increase its visibility and authority.

There are various link building strategies available, including broken link building, guest posting, content marketing, and link reclamation. Broken link building involves utilizing search strings to identify pages with numerous outbound links, utilizing a tool such as Check My Links to detect broken links, notifying the website owner of the broken link, and proposing a suitable replacement link. Guest posting is a technique that involves creating a blog post for another website with the aim of obtaining a link back to your own website, while content marketing involves creating linkable assets such as infographics, original research, interactive tools, and long-form content. Link reclamation involves identifying broken links on external websites, reaching out to the website owner, and proposing a suitable replacement link.

When employing these link building strategies, it is important to remember the importance of creating quality backlinks. It is also essential to avoid any spammy link building techniques and focus on acquiring high-quality links from reputable sources. Additionally, creating link worthy content and offering value to other website owners are essential when trying to attract links.

Finding High-Quality Links


People are standing in the office and watching something together in a laptop. People stand in the office and drink champagne and look at something in the computer - What is Link Building for SEO

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High quality links are an essential part of any successful link building strategy as they can significantly help boost search engine rankings. To ensure that links are high quality, criteria such as page and website authority, relevance, link placement, anchor text, and co-occurrences should be taken into account.

To assess page and website authority, tools such as Semrush can be utilized to calculate the Authority Score. Moreover, link placement is of great importance as links that are strategically located in the body content are more valuable than those tucked away in the footers and sidebars. Additionally, anchor text and co-occurrences are also important as they provide valuable insight into the content of the linked page and help Google determine the relevance of the link.

Furthermore, one can locate pre-selected lists of link targets by utilizing search strings such as “best [topic] blogs” or “list of [topic] blogs”. A link from a well-known source like NYTimes.com will have a significantly greater impact than a link from an unknown blogger due to its higher authority.

Link Building Best Practices

Linkable assets are content or resources that are valuable, informative, or entertaining and can draw in natural links, boosting a website’s authority and visibility. To ensure successful link building, it is important to avoid unnatural links, as they can lead to penalties from search engines and negatively affect a website’s rankings and visibility. Content promotion is also a key element of link building, as it can increase the chances of it being seen and linked to by external sources.

Adhering to link building best practices can provide numerous advantages, such as increased authority, visibility, and improved search engine rankings. Furthermore, it can save time and resources by focusing on tactics that are more likely to be successful and long-lasting.

When constructing a link building strategy, it is important to focus on creating linkable assets and promoting content, as well as engaging in link reclamation and building internal links. It is also necessary to identify high-quality links, as not all links are beneficial for SEO. When acquiring links, it is important to avoid any spammy link building techniques and focus on building links that have good link attributes, such as a beneficial anchor text and a contextual link to a page with relevant content. It is also essential to create link-worthy content and attract valuable links from external sources.

Black Hat Link Building

Black hat link building is an unethical practice of link building that disregards Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. It involves generating links, broken link building, building links, internal linking, links pointing, and other techniques that violate search engine rules. Engaging in black hat link building carries the risk of incurring penalties from search engines, and it is essential to abstain from such tactics to prevent incurring such penalties.

In contrast, white hat link building is an ethical approach to link building that follows search engine guidelines and utilizes legitimate methods. It is the optimal approach to avoiding a manual penalty, and it is recommended to engage in such tactics for healthy link building. White hat link building includes building for SEO, link building for SEO, internal link building, finding good links, not all links are equal, creating link-worthy content, acquiring high quality links, and other legitimate practices.

My Three Favorite Link Building Strategies

This section highlights resource page link building, broken link building, and the skyscraper technique as the three most favored link building strategies. Resource page link building involves identifying pertinent resource pages, developing a guide or resource that is compatible with the page’s theme, and making contact with the page owner to request the inclusion of your guide. Broken link building is a technique used to identify broken links on other websites, contact the website owner, and suggest a link to your own relevant content as a replacement. The Skyscraper Technique is an effective link building strategy that involves identifying popular content related to your niche, creating content that is even more comprehensive and engaging, and then contacting the websites that linked to the original content to suggest they link to your improved version.

The procedure and intent of each link building strategy is unique. Resource page link building requires the development of a suitable guide or resource and contacting the page owner to request the inclusion of your guide. The intent of broken link building is to identify broken links on other websites, contact the website owner, and suggest a link to your own relevant content as a replacement. The intent of the skyscraper technique is to request the inclusion of your guide on a resource page. The recommended procedure for outreach when utilizing the skyscraper technique is a personalized script that includes a complimentary remark, a reference to a shared interest, and a request to include your guide on their resource page.

Case Studies

Case studies offer valuable insights into the effectiveness of various link building strategies, providing tangible evidence of successful campaigns. One example of a successful link building campaign is a visual asset that was posted directly on other sites, with a backlink to the author’s site. Additionally, a post about the largest Google ranking factors study has garnered 18.9k links to date.

You can find case studies on successful link building campaigns in the subsequent chapter following the Skyscraper Technique section. These case studies provide valuable information about the effectiveness of different link building strategies, allowing users to see which techniques work best and which don’t. They can also help identify which sites are most likely to link to your content, and how to target those sites for maximum success.

Case studies also help to identify potential areas of improvement for link building, providing valuable data on what techniques have worked in the past and what changes could lead to better results in the future.

Advanced Tips

Experienced link builders should be familiar with a variety of advanced link building strategies and tools. Link reclamation is an important process for recovering links that direct to a website, as well as locating unlinked references and requesting the addition of a link. Utilizing Ahrefs’ SERP overview can be a powerful tool for discovering competitor links by examining the backlink profiles of the top-ranking pages for a given keyword. Link reclamation and Ahrefs’ SERP overview offer a number of advantages for link building, such as recovering lost link equity, increasing a website’s authority, and discovering potential link opportunities from competitor backlink profiles.

These advanced tips can be used to gain a competitive edge when it comes to link building. By leveraging link reclamation and Ahrefs’ SERP overview, link builders can discover valuable links and form more backlinks to their own website and other prominent, relevant websites. In addition, experienced link builders can employ a variety of strategies, such as Skyscraper Tactic, Spy on Your Competitors, Guestographics, Instructographics, Publish Original Research, Mention Influencers, Become a Thought Leader, Broken Link Building, Link Reclamation, and discovering Private Networks and Link Opportunities to gain more links.


Link building is an essential part of any successful SEO strategy, and experienced practitioners should not neglect the practice. Link building can help to significantly increase website visibility, rankings, and referral traffic when executed properly. Creating linkable assets, focusing on relevant websites, and utilizing legitimate methods are all important factors for achieving success with link building.

Although there are various types of links that can be employed in a link building strategy (dofollow, nofollow, sponsored, internal, etc.), white hat link building techniques such as broken link building, content marketing, and link reclamation should always be prioritized. To acquire high-quality backlinks, users will need to assess page and website authority, pay attention to link placement and anchor text, and utilize pre-selected lists of link targets from well-known sources.

Finally, case studies and advanced tips can provide valuable insight into effective link building strategies and help link builders gain a competitive edge.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is link building good for SEO?

In summary, link building is a crucial part of SEO strategy and is integral to improving organic rankings on search engine result pages. Links help search engines discover new webpages and understand how pages are connected and related to each other. Link building is a powerful tool for increasing a website’s visibility and rankings.

Conclusion: Link building is an essential element of SEO as it helps improve the organic visibility of websites by allowing search engines to easily discover and index them. High-quality links also signal to Google that a website is a credible source of information, helping it earn higher rankings.

How do I create a link building plan for SEO?

Creating a link building plan for SEO involves several key steps. First, conduct keyword research to identify relevant topics and phrases for your website. Then create content optimized for these keywords that is link-worthy and will appeal to potential linkers.

Next, build relationships and carry out outreach to bloggers and influencers for links. Finally, track progress on link growth and use analytics tools to measure success.

What kind of link building strategy is best for SEO?

The best link building strategy for SEO in 2023 is to employ a comprehensive approach, utilizing multiple tactics such as creating high-quality linkable content, engaging with influencers to build backlinks, and improving internal link structures.

This will help ensure you are taking the necessary steps to maximize your organic search engine visibility.

What is meant by link building?

Link building is a crucial part of any digital marketing strategy, which involves creating connections with other websites to improve your site’s visibility and authority. Through link building, you can build relationships and generate more targeted traffic as well as boost your website’s search engine rankings.

Link building is a great way to increase your website’s visibility and authority, as well as to generate more targeted traffic. It involves creating connections with other websites, which can help improve your website’s search engine rankings.

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