How to Respectfully Turn Down a Donation Request

How to Respectfully Turn Down a Donation Request

It can be challenging to learn how to turn down a donation respectfully, politely decline a sponsorship request, very politely decline any donation requests, or very politely decline to contact someone for a donation request.

image of a man and woman shaking hands - How to Respectfully Turn Down a Donation Request

As a professional, you might receive requests from clients from time to time for charitable donations, contributions, sponsorship, or financial support for a future charity fundraising event.

“We’re thinking about having a charity auction fundraiser event. Would you like to participate or donate an item?” or “I’d love for you to support my Kickstarter and share with your fans!”

Sometimes, it is difficult to politely decline a sponsorship request, for example, if the request is simply for a blog post to bring more attention to a need, small company, organization, fundraising event, or campaign.

This post is not meant to throw cold water on supporting charitable organizations, charities, and non-profits or discourage you from giving or being generous; contribute or donate money to an excellent and worthy cause here.

However, company policy or corporate giving organizations can only do it when it comes to requests for help and charitable donations, no matter how worthy the charitable or monetary donation is.

Your time, values, position, and finances can help you gauge which opportunities to decline, take, and politely decline, as well as how to politely decline a sponsorship request.

A plan for giving will help you feel confident and convicted whether you make a monetary donation.

But when you need to politely decline a sponsorship request or attend a charity event, how do you do it without appearing uncaring or rude?

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you craft your response on How to Turn Down a Donation Request Respectfully:

Acknowledge and Appreciate

Chances are, this person involved in a charity event has been working hard to raise money and awareness and donate funds to the charitable organizations they support.

You can often receive these requests from neighbors, small business clients, or acquaintances face-to-face or via phone calls, and you may receive written requests via email, letter, or mail, for example.

Your response, empathy, sincerity, and delivery will leave a lasting impression on the organization and the individual receiving it.

Rejection Letters

Creating and using an outstanding rejection letter that guarantees your relationship with the company or person requesting financial support (provided you value the relationship) is essential.

Remember that the letter’s purpose is not to be hostile or discourage.

Please be sure to recognize their efforts in your response.

  • “I think it’s great that you’re bringing this issue to the public’s attention and applauding your efforts.”
  • “The loss of their home in a fire is tragic, and it’s wonderful that the Parkers have such a caring friend as you!”
  • “I’ve been watching your campaign with great admiration for some time.”
  • “This is truly a worthy cause, and I admire your initiative.”
  • “Battling cancer has got to be one of the toughest things someone can face, and my heart goes out to your friend.”


It can be very difficult learning how to respectfully turn down a donation request or how to decline a charity request.

Could you explain your donation request denial briefly?

It’s certainly not required, but it’s still lovely to briefly explain why you can’t say yes.

  • “Right now, I’m focusing on ___ (insert issue or cause here).”
  • “I’m unable to commit my time and financial resources right now, but I will let you know if that changes in the future.”
  • “We have reached our corporate giving limit for the fiscal year.”
  • “My personal or business situation at this time precludes me from contributing right now.”

Alternatives to Saying “No” to a Fund-Raiser Sponsorship Request

Some naturally answer “Yes” when asked for money or professional help.

One way to do this is to say “Yes, But”.

You may have other valuable financial resources that you can offer your client instead of cash, such as a case of Girl Scout Cookies, Gift Certificates, or even Products your small business or small company sells.

Close on a Positive Note

You can use encouraging phrases to close out your reply.

  • “I wish you the best wishes with your campaign!”
  • “I will pass along your request to others in my blogging group.”
  • “I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.”
  • “Thanks for thinking of me and considering my blog as a potential sponsor for your event.”
  • “Although I cannot contribute at this time, please know that I truly admire the work you’re doing.”
  • And if you want to participate sometime in the future, “Stay in touch with us next year as we might be in a better position to support you.”

Note: If you feel guilty after saying “no” over and over again next year, this might be a tip-off to you that charity giving is not a priority for you right now next fiscal year.

That’s something you can change.

As a final thought, this doesn’t mean saying “yes” to everything from now on.

To conclude the letter, it does mean looking for causes that are important to you to donate funds to and helping out where you can contribute.

Do you have ideas to contribute or share about how to gracefully and respectfully turn down a donation request?

If you found this article helpful, l may like these related articles valuable: Bloggers Must Learn to Say NoDon’t Forget to Say Thank You

, and It’s OK to Say No to Your Kids.

More from this Author 

Anne is the creator of the family-oriented Zephyr Hill Blog. A busy homeschooling mother of seven, Anne enjoys cloth diapering, cooking, and trying to convince her husband to add another animal to the farm.

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