How to Create an Inspiring, Uplifting Office Space

Your office is more than just a space for working.

While your main focus is getting work done, it’s also a place where you do a significant amount of thinking and problem solving throughout the day.

When your office space doesn’t support your cognitive processes, you won’t want to be there and your work output will suffer.

On the other hand, when your office space makes you feel good, you’ll enjoy your work more, and you’ll be more efficient and productive.

And if you’re bored or dissatisfied with the way your office makes you feel, check out these tips to make your office a more inspiring, uplifting space.

image of pretty young woman using a smartphone while sitting in a spacious beautiful office space - How to Create an Inspiring, Uplifting Office Space

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Smudge with Palo Santo and sage

Smudging is an ancient practice that is used to clear negative energy from spaces and it can make a big difference in how you feel in your office.

The two most common smudges are sage and Palo Santo.

What is Palo Santo?

Palo Santo (‘holy wood’ in Spanish) is a species of wood native to Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, and other South American countries.

Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens) has been used medicinally for hundreds of years to treat pain and stress. When burned, the smoke is said to clear negative energy from a space.

The scent of Palo Santo is unique, and it smells amazing, almost like an incense, but more earthy. If you’ve never burned Palo Santo before, you’re in for a treat.

You can find individual pieces for sale, but it’s cheaper to get Palo Santo in bulk because once you start using it, you’ll want more.

What is sage?

Sage is a plant that is said to release negative ions, which contributes to an elevated mood.

It’s also said to clear negative energies. Many people burn both sage and Palo Santo together to increase the effects.

There are different types of sage, and white sage is the most used. Most people find the scent of white sage to be more pleasant than other types.

However, you can experiment with different types to see what you prefer.

Paint your office walls

Color has a significant impact on emotions and has the power to alter how you feel.

The right color combination can make you feel energized and happy during your work day, which will make you more productive.

Painting the walls is a good way to add color to your office to evoke a desired feeling.

Colors are subjective and will vary based on culture, so there is no one right way to use colors.

However, if you grew up in Western society, consider using yellow, blue, and purple for your color combinations.

Yellow is energizing and can boost your mood, while blue can make you feel like you’re in a more professional environment.

Blue is useful if you work from home and need a bit more motivation to get started.

A darker green can create a sense of calm in your office. Purple may not be for everyone, but it can make a good color for trim in both dark and light color schemes.

Clean up your clutter

Clutter is distracting you even if you’re not aware that it’s happening.

You’re going to be distracted when you’re surrounded by a bunch of clutter on your desk and on the floor, or even in your peripheral vision.

Consider that your brain is taking in all your surroundings, trying to make sense of it all. This includes things you aren’t directly focusing on.

When your brain works hard to process clutter, it depletes your brain of energy and you’re basically left with a brain that is constantly overworking to process stimuli in the background.

When you clean up your clutter, your brain will be happy. Our brains like neatness, order, and symmetry for a reason.

When things are a jumbled mess, it takes more energy to get through a workday.

If you don’t think clutter is impacting you, but you’re tired throughout the day, try cleaning up and see if you feel more energetic.


Your mood and energy level will be impacted by everything from your desk to the art on your walls and the chair you sit in to work.

By redecorating with the right furniture and décor, you can instantly change how you feel in your office.

Some basic things you can do include creating a comfortable break area in your office with a lounge chair, replacing light fixtures, and adding pieces of art strategically placed around the room.

If your office is dull, give it an upgrade

Does your office feel uninspiring?

Use these tips to learn How to Create an Inspiring, Uplifting Office Space where you want to spend time.

When you do this, you’ll be more productive, and you’ll enjoy your work.

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