5 Eye-Opening Key Remote Work Statistics You Need to Know

Remote work statistics

Image Source: OWL Labs

As we step into the year 2023, the way businesses operate has drastically changed.

Remote working has become the new norm, and it’s not just restricted to full-time remote work employees.

Even employees who divide their time between their office and home can now work remotely in a flexible work setting.

The benefits of remote working are endless such as improved productivity, better work life balance, and happier employees.

Are you curious about key remote work statistics and recruiting remote workers?

You’ve come to the right place!

In this article, we’ve compiled some of the most fascinating remote work statistics that shed light on this new working trend.

From remote working and hiring trends to future remote work predictions for 2023 and beyond, we’ve got it all covered.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the world of remote jobs and discover some amazing remote work statistics as how remote work transforming the way we work and live.

5 Eye Opening Remote Work Statistics

Are you curious about how remote work is impacting employee attendance, engagement, and productivity?

Here are some eye-opening remote work statistics you need to know:

Positive results of remote work

Research shows that remote work availability significantly lowers employee absenteeism.

Occupations with high remote work availability experienced lower rates of employee absence during the pandemic.

Additionally, 23% of full-time employees are willing to take a pay cut of over 10% and forfeit benefits to work from home.

Companies that allow remote work eliminate the dreaded work commute and lead to a significant improvement in employees’ mental health.

Increased employee productivity and engagement

Highly engaged workplaces can claim 41% lower absenteeism, 40% fewer quality defects, and 21% higher profitability. (Gallup, 2020)

Engaged employees are happier, more energetic, and more connected to the workplace, making them less likely to take unscheduled leaves due to burnout or job dissatisfaction.

Additionally, employee respondents say they’re more productive now than before the pandemic.

Importance of paid time off (PTO)

Offering ample PTO can reduce the high costs of absenteeism, as over half of all employee absenteeism is due to mental health reasons such as anxiety, depression, and stress.

Burnout costs the U.S. industry more than $300 billion a year, leading to excessive absenteeism and higher healthcare insurance costs.

Struggles with scheduling shift work

Industries that rely on shift or hourly employees face a higher absence rate.

Most shift employees are unaware of their schedule until the last minute, and available employees can request shifts to maintain required staffing levels at all times while simultaneously reducing the employee absenteeism rate.

Utilizing attendance tracking software

To address employee absenteeism head-on, you can use attendance tracking software across the organization.

Only about 19% of employers track the time of salaried workers, which can mean lost productivity.

Companies that utilize software with timekeeping and payroll features were 44%  less likely to commit errors.

We recommend you investigate and start employee time tracking with Time Clock Wizard.

Wrap Up

Working remotely has become the norm nowadays, and it’s transforming the way we work and live.

But as an employer you have to understand how it affects the attendance, engagement and productivity of your remote employees.

This article presents some enlightening statistics on the positive outcomes of remote jobs, including increased productivity, better mental health, remote employees engagement and better work life balance.

On the other hand, shift work scheduling struggles and the importance of paid time off cannot be overlooked.

As an employer, one can overcome these challenges by using attendance tracking software, which helps reduce errors and increase productivity.

Overall, remote work offers better work life balance , endless benefits, and promoting a work culture that values a healthy work-life balance can help organizations enjoy its advantages.

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