What is PageRank and How to Improve your Score

PageRank is a mathematical equation Google uses to determine how influential or important your website is. Read on and learn what is pagerank and how to improve your score.

What is PageRank and How to Improve your Score

The equation seems pretty complex and I will not even start to explain it. If you are interested the equation is here.

The general idea of PageRank is the more links which lead to a website the more important it is. If you think about it this makes perfect sense. At TOTS we link to relevant information because we want our readers to get the best information available (even if we cannot provide it ourselves).

If the internet were an election and each link were a vote the candidate (website) with the most votes (links) would win (rank the highest).

PageRank is not the be-all-end-all of determining how high your website will rank on web searches but it is a very important factor.

How can you improve your PageRank?

  • Most importantly make quality content which people want to link to.
  • Add your link to online directories. Remember to add your store to our Business Directory. We have a FREE listing option and it will help improve your PageRank 🙂
  • Keep away from ‘bad neighborhoods’. Being associated with spam and malicious websites will negatively affect your score.
  • Write keyword rich content. If your store sells baby bibs make sure you use the word baby bibs in your content.
  • Write in 3rd person. By using a 3rd person voice you are able to write out your store/blog name.

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