Do You Know These 4 Twitter Secrets?

Do You Know These 4 Twitter Secrets?

If you’re active on Twitter, here are four little secrets I want to share with you. They help you tweet more effectively and will steadily add more followers to your account.

Broaden your tweets. Inserting a period or word before tagging another Twitter account (for example, your sponsor) will yield more impressions. Beginning a tweet by tagging another account will limit its reach. The sample tweet below will only be seen by Dove and those who follow you and them:

@dove shampoo is all I use for my curls! #style #hair

This one will have a much broader reach:

My @dove shampoo is all I use for my curls! #style #hair

Search better, tweet better. Twitter’s Advanced searches feature will help you craft great tweets with more reach. It gives you a lot more information than that little box at top right on the homepage.

Use advanced search to find top tweets in your local area, by keywords or by influential accounts that you follow. Take note of the hashtags that are most popular for your niche and use them in your tweets (by the way, they also carry over on Instagram).

You can also put the minus symbol (-) before a word or words to exclude those from your search and filter what you don’t want to see.

For even more fun, check out the “Other” feature at the very bottom. You can search by emotions too! Let’s say you offer website hosting and want to feel out potential customers. Search for Twitter users who are unhappy about their hosting, happy with their hosting, or asking questions about hosting. See what’s popular and what’s not. See what you can offer that no one else is. Or just try to answer some of the questions out there.

Pick the best times to tweet. The best times for you to tweet are on weekdays between 9am and 3pm EST. Posting after 8 pm or on the weekends is very ineffective.

Check out! How to Connect Twitter Account to Facebook Business Page Tutorial and Paypal – Invoice Templates.

Amp up your profile. The information you put here helps people find you more easily in searches, including Google. Use a couple of relevant key words and hash tags in your description, plus a few words about yourself. If you are trying to build a professional and appealing presence, avoid cliches, inside jokes, sarcasm and rudeness. Don’t ask for followers in your profile! The little blue button is easy for people to click if they like what they see. Here’s mine:


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