3 Twitter Tips to Improve Your Visibility

Are you ready to be Twitter famous? Have you been following new people, retweeting and sharing their content on a regular basis, and still not building a following fast enough?

Don’t give up! If you’re a regular Twitter user, you may need to use a few Twitter tips to tweak your activity to get better visibility.

There is no magic formula to Twitter infamy, unless you’re already a celebrity. It takes some serious consistency and strategy for us regular folks.

Twitter Tips to Improve Your Visibility

If you’re ready to be seen, use these Twitter tips to tweak your activity and get Twitter famous! (I bet you can’t say that 5 times fast, ha!)

Number 1: Retweet the right tweeps to get noticed

If you are looking for content to share on Twitter and you are looking for people to retweet, the common way of thinking is “I’m going to follow all the big companies, the big brands, the big companies in their industries. I’ll retweet them to get on their radar.”

What you may not realize is this: a lot of those mega brands and big companies have such a huge following and hoards of retweeters that they may not ever notice you share their content.

An easier way to build visibility and increase exposure is either look for local/regional brands or look for people that have a smaller following. They’re more likely to see your content, say thank you, acknowledge you, mention you and thank you for retweeting your favorite and it gives you great visibility. They need the exposure too!

Check out! How to Connect Twitter Account to Facebook Business Page Tutorial.

Number 2: Don’t hit the retweet button so fast

This tip is a piggy back off Number 1. If you are engaging with influential people, you’ll be exchanging tweets with them.

If you simply use the newer style one-click retweet in Twitter, the person that you’ll be tweeting may overlook you if they get a whole lot of retweets. They have to work harder to find your retweet, and we all know how people like to work harder.

If you use the classic style retweet, you know the ones that starts with RT for retweet and username, they’ll see your mention in their Twitter stream.

Mentioning the person you are retweeting gives you a conversational stream every time and it helps you give visibility because they’ll know you are sharing their tweets. They may feel obligated to respond if you are persistently trying to contact them or if you often retweet them. They may mention, you or at least say thank you for retweeting their content, which can make you appear in front of their followers.

Number 3: Ask and ye shall receive a retweet

Do you ask for retweets? I never do, but I need to take my own advice and use this one myself. Did you know that people are more likely to retweet you if you simply ask them to? I know, crazy right?

Your tweets have a 12x higher chance of being retweeted if you ask for it. And there is a difference in how you ask for a retweet. You can either say Please RT using the Twitter abbreviation RT for retweet, or you spell out the word retweet. Here’s the kicker: your chance of being retweeted is 23x higher if you actually spell out the word “retweet”.

Can you manage these three simple tweaks to your tweet activity? These Twitter tips will prove to not only help you with your research and tracking but it can also help you grow your visibility, increase your followers and increase your Twitter buzz online.

Tweet me @MissKemya

How do you increase your visibility on Twitter?


  1. Cleio
    • Kemya

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