How to Optimize the Content for an eCommerce Website

Conversions are very important for websites so how to optimize the content for an eCommerce Website is critical.


Conversions are very important for websites so how to optimize the content for an eCommerce Website is critical.


It is even more important for e-commerce websites.

Learn How to Optimize the Content for an eCommerce Website

A lot of webmasters have some poor conversions on their projects, because of simple mistakes.

In most cases, it comes down to poor optimization of the content on their website.

Let’s check out some common areas where you might not be doing a good job, and hopefully, you can change things for the better.

User experience (UX)

The design of your website is one of the reasons why you could be losing clients.

The design effects the user experience.

How fast does your page load?

This is one of the first things that will either put off customers or keep them attached to your website.

The fact is, if your website loads slowly, you will be losing revenue faster than you can gain it back.

“In our practice, you only have 2-3 seconds within which you can get customers interested in your website.

Anything after that before your website loads fully will see you lose roughly 10% of the clients.

You might have worked around the load speed and have the website loading fast enough.

However, how easy is it for your clients to find their way around the website?

Navigation is another area where you must be very keen.

Ensure your products appear in the right place.

If not, buyers who already know what they are looking for will simply be bouncing off from your website to other websites where they can find what they need easily.


Conversions are very important for websites so how to optimize the content for an eCommerce Website is critical.


Just because your project is an e-commerce website does not mean it is exempt from SEO needs that normal websites do.

It is still a website.

It means you need to pay close attention to optimization, on and off page.

You have to get the right keywords too.

The links on and to your page must be friendly and try not to stuff your work with a lot of keywords.

While still on it, make sure you are not using duplicate content.

This becomes a challenge especially when you are working with the same product, differentiated by unique features.

More than 70% of the internet population these days prefer to search for products with images?

This should be useful information to help you map the way forward for your content development team.

Using videos

Videos are a good way for you to take things to the next level while learning How to Optimize the Content for an eCommerce Website.

Videos have been useful in helping clients through the decision-making process.

In fact, more than 85% of e-commerce customers usually find videos helpful since they go the extra mile and show them the product in use.

If your content has been successful, you would be amazed to know how awesome videos would help your business.

Those who buy clothes, for example, would appreciate it when they see the clothes fitting properly on a model.

With tools, it is about making sure the customer knows how to use the product.

Besides, when the customers get the products, a video tutorial on how to use or set it up might be useful to them.

This is one of the reasons why you should make it a point to get some videos on your website.

Other than helping your customers, some people will come to your website just to watch useful videos, which also improves your traffic online.

Color options

You might be selling products that are available in different colors – customers love this because it gives them variety.

You should add the freedom to choose colors and give the customer more power too.

In this regard, include a color option adjacent to the product in question.

Tweak this in such a way that the color changes whenever the customer clicks on the color panel.

While doing this, make sure you keep your stock updated, as does the color range of products that you still have.

It would be pointless to have customers click on a specific color when in real sense it is not in stock.

It is very easy to overlook the importance of color and how it plays out in the mind of a customer.

However, you might also need to put yourself in the customer’s position when addressing some of these concerns.

If you can see things from their perspective, you might have a better understanding of how important color is.

In the year 2016, e-commerce retail sales increased by 6% to reach a total of around $22 trillion.

It is expected that by the year 2020, this total should have appreciated to around $27 trillion.

These are astronomical figures, but your business is a part of this too.

Your business front-end is your website, your e-commerce website.

While the e-commerce world prospers, try not to be left behind.

Learn how to optimize the content for an eCommerce website well, and you will enjoy your fair share of the retail trillions pie.

Our readers also found these resources useful, Earn with Paid Blogging Assignments, Turn your 9 to 5 into an eCommerce Business and 4 Customer Expectations in eCommerce.


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